Magic elements handmade candles

Magic elements handmade candles

Have you heard something about the magic of candles. Today it is hard to imagine a magical ritual and a session without using them. Candle therapy paid a great importance to our ancestors. They were convinced that the wax is a great material for making characters and attributes, as it can give any energy. At the time, the flame of fire – a powerful source of energy which awakens the power of wax. Handmade candles – not just a tribute to traditions. Currently, you can purchase ready-made plugs, but the maximum efficiency will be achieved only with those attributes that made. These candles can help make miracles happen always and everywhere.

About the magic of candles

In the world of magic is common to use colored candles. Our ancestors believed that each color has a specific meaning: red attracts love and passion, black is evil and eradicates the disease, orange is a source of energy and vitality. Candle therapy is a great opportunity to gain experience, enhance your psychic abilities.

In order to achieve the goals and objectives, it is necessary to use only high-quality magical attributes and symbols. Wax candles rune work is currently popular. Their manufacturing process is quite laborious, requires compliance with a number of conditions. But this is what allows you to fill them with a special power.

The subtleties of making candles

Of course, these days to buy ready-made magic candles – no problem, but to achieve with the help of their results is virtually impossible. And all because the process of their ugotovlena often has nothing to do with the traditions of the world of magic. Magical handmade items meet the basic requirements:

  • wax based – used for the manufacture of beeswax without paraffin wax and other additives that reduce the effectiveness;
  • the method of dipping and molding – so was produced candles for the mysterious and rituals sorcerers and magicians of a few centuries ago;
  • form – candles, made by hand, is far from universally accepted ideal forms, but in this lies their peculiarity.

Quite often for making candles at home in addition to beeswax use herbs and plants: mint, tarragon, sage, or St. John's wort. They enhance the energy of each of the candles, fill the space with a wonderful aroma.

Where to buy handmade candles

If you want to buy handmade candles in Moscow, St. PETERSBURG or any city in the country, note for workshop 'Magic of elements'. Here are the candles, carved by craftsmen, made in strict accordance with ancient recipes. Selling different handmade candles – a great gift for the budding magician or sorcerer who is not yet able to do them yourself. All that is needed is to seek the assistance of qualified staff of the online store. They will help you to understand the range of products and make the right choice. Affordable price combined impeccable quality – something that will get every customer.

Product Compare (0)

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100% натуральный воск!
Brown wax
Brown wax
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