Candle Space of love

Status: 5

  • $1.98

Short characteristic
Значение: Помогает в укреплении имеющихся любовных отношений и в поиске новых.
Материал: Пальмовый воск, х\б фитиль, пищевой краситель.
Кол-во в упак.: 1 шт.
Размер (д*в*ш): 70*70*50 мм.
All the features

Worldwide shipping
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Favorable price
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Red candle will help you to find your soul mate and strengthen the already existing relationship. A single person will be in demand with the opposite sex, becoming a love magnet. Increase confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Brief usage instructions:

  1. Calm down and tune in to work with a candle. The best option is to choose a quiet room where you won't be distracting;
  2. Imagine what you want to achieve;
  3. Behold the candle flame representing the finished result;
  4. Extinguish candle.

Light that candle when you feel the need. It is possible to contemplate anyone so much as you need.

On this page you can buy Candle Space of love at a bargain price in the online store magic elements. Candle Space of love with worldwide delivery.

Внешний вид и свойства
Значение: Помогает в укреплении имеющихся любовных отношений и в поиске новых.
Материал: Пальмовый воск, х\б фитиль, пищевой краситель.
Кол-во в упак.: 1 шт.
Размер (д*в*ш): 70*70*50 мм.
Время горения: более 14ч.
Вес: 185 гр.
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