Collectible and gift stones

Collectible and gift stones

To purchase a collector's stones, which have unique properties, is available in the online shop "Magic of elements". Sale of Souvenirs and full of magic attributes of the Internet allows you in the shortest period of time to obtain high-quality original products.

A bit of history

Since ancient times, a person is attracted to all magical and mysterious. Our ancestors enjoyed watching natural phenomena, trying to understand and explain them. Stones – they were studied by many scientists, as well as witches and wizards. On the basis of observations it was possible to identify the unique properties of the stones, their ability to change the mood, improve the health of the person. Since the rocks and minerals began to ascribe special magical powers.

Precious stones, crystals and minerals are of biblical origin – this opinion was shared by our ancestors. Their appearance is connected with the old Persian legend. Enchanting and fascinating the stones were discovered by the serpent-tempter. With their help, he intended to charm the first woman on the planet - Eva.

The origin of natural stones and crystals associated with another Austrian legend. According to her, originally, heaven was presented to the strongest hard rock. The stone arch was protecting all life on the planet from evil. But once this "armor" still managed to break through, the firmament was destroyed. The ground was sprinkled with gems, many of which are still not found. Until today, these stones and minerals protect humanity from all evil.

Rocks delivered to your house

Buy collectible minerals and gemstones at the best price with home delivery – that can offer online shop "Magic of elements". Moreover, all buyers will receive:

  • a wide range of products,
  • qualified advice of professionals,
  • the simplicity of the purchase process.

If you are interested in gift gems in store you will find collectable rock crystal, pyrite and many other beautiful stones, endowed with a special power.

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Crystal amethyst
Для медитаций и магических практик


Crystal rhinestone
Для медитаций и магических практик


Crystal jade
Для медитаций и магических практик


Pyrite grey collectible
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