Incense and accessories

To buy incense (sticks) in online store "Magic of elements" - to provide themselves and their families esoteric goods, endowed with special powers.
According to Ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui house space with clean energy and a pleasant aroma. To create such atmosphere only by means of well-chosen spices. Enchanting, amazing flavors impress a wide range of its influence. They are:
- attract positive energy in house
- a beneficial effect on human health,
- enhance health,
- protects from external negative influence.
Enchantment incense
All those who are addicted to spiritual practices, meditation, need to buy a set of high-quality incense. When choosing a fragrance, you should start from their taste: the smell should be pleasant, not to cause irritation even if you use incense every day.
Tibet is the leader in the production of so-called incense sticks for various purposes. Tibetan incense is a natural product does not contain flavorings or additives. The aroma is natural, calm and moderate odors that managed to catch the fancy of many fans of the esoteric. If you are just beginning to get acquainted with Feng Shui, spend in your house first esoteric rituals, begin with Tibetan incense.
Where to buySelling natural incense retail – Internet-shop "Magic of elements". Here you will find a wide range of products at a low price and with delivery throughout Russia. Our catalog presents the best flavors:
- lavender,
- Jasmine
- Lotus,
- sandal.
We offer aromatic incense for the house inexpensively in real-time. Moreover, our experts will help you make the right choice, will select for you the scent that will help to achieve your goals.