Candles and candle holders

Candles and candle holders to conduct esoteric rituals and rites can be purchased in the online shop "Magic of elements".

Even if you don't have any relation to magic, certainly can't imagine any fortune tellers, no candles. Candles accumulate energy and release it in the combustion process. They can have different shape and size. On the market magic products you can find candles with aromatic additives, but the experts recommend to be cautious – better to stop the choice on the candles unscented. In conducting magic and esoteric images of the great importance played by the color of the candle. It is believed that each hue emits a certain vibration attracts a certain energy. It is very important to use only high-quality magical attributes, endowed with special powers.

About using candles

Candles are not only a decoration, they are used in religious ceremonies, magic, and even clairvoyance. Our ancestors were convinced of the unique power of the wax, its mystical properties. Wax candles used:

  • for healing,
  • protect the house from evil spirits and attract positive energy
  • conspiracy
  • to be able to look into the future.

Buying candles over the Internet

Buy candle holders and candles in the online shop "Magic of elements" - means to provide themselves with quality esoteric products on favorable terms. We offer candles, candleholders wholesale and retail. This wax candle, made in accordance with ancient traditions and magical rituals. A wide range of products presented in the catalog, allows you to choose a worthy gift for the person interested in magic and the esoteric. Moreover, we attract all those who want to practice magic and magical rituals. Our experts will share with you the main secrets of energy use, learn how to interpret it and all the vision that will accompany a magical ritual. Moreover, they will help you in the selection of candles and candleholders.

Advantage of our online store are:

  • huge selection of magical and decorative products
  • fast delivery of goods across Russia and around the world
  • qualified advice,
  • affordable prices.

If you are looking for a place where at the best price you can buy the original esoteric goods, Internet-shop "Magic of elements" is a great option.

Product Compare (0)

Предзаказ 1-3 дня
Brown wax candle (10cm., 20pcs., dipped)
Brown wax candle (10cm., 20pcs., dipped)
пчелиный воск, хлопковый фитиль, свечной краситель


Предзаказ 1-3 дня
leader of sales!
Candle 'Health'
Candle 'Health'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (полынь, можжевельник, календула)


100% натуральный воск!
Предзаказ 1-3 дня
Ручная работа!
leader of sales!
Candle 'Love Spell'
Candle 'Love Spell'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (мак, котовник, заманиха)


Предзаказ 1-3 дня
leader of sales!
Candle 'Prosperity'
Candle 'Prosperity'
Пасечный воск, хлопковый фитиль, травы (тысячелистник, девясил, бессмертник)


Предзаказ 1-3 дня
leader of sales!
Candle 'Purification and protection'
Candle 'Purification and protection'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (полынь)


Предзаказ 1-3 дня
leader of sales!
Candle 'Raising money'
Candle 'Raising money'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (корица, гвоздика, тысячелистник, шалфей, базилик)


100% натуральный воск!
Предзаказ 1-3 дня
Ручная работа!
leader of sales!
Candle 'Search and the harmonization of relations'
Candle 'Search and the harmonization of relations'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (тысячелистник, роза, одуванчик, душица, лаванда)


Candle 'Space of love'
Помогает в укреплении имеющихся любовных отношений и в поиске новых.


Предзаказ 1-3 дня
leader of sales!
Candle 'Withdrawal and refund of damage'
Candle 'Withdrawal and refund of damage'
Пасечный воск, краситель, хлопковый фитиль, травы (полынь, чеснок, зверобой)


Showing 1 to 9 of 54 (6 Pages)