Black candle

Exciting and mysterious world of magic has attracted people since ancient times. It is possible to be hostile to everything supernatural, but to deny the existence of the other world is simply impossible. A special kind of magic is candle therapy: with the help of candles of different color, to achieve family happiness, to attract cash flows, to heal. Black wax candles have many cause fear, are associated exclusively with the machinations of the devil. That is why many novice psychics avoid using them in their practices and ritual ceremonies. So what value carry candles black? How dangerous is it to use them?
The power of the black shade
Black ritual candles contrary to the stereotype are not only used in black magic. Wax base of the candle allows you to fill any energy: both positive and negative. That is why the specifics of its use will primarily depend on the intentions and motives of the user.
Black color in magic represents the absorption, destruction. Quite often magicians use black candle as a magical tool with a negative purpose: trying to save people from what has hurt him in any way. The fire in this case, acts as a catalyst, pritvorami in the life of any spell uttered during the ritual.
Of course, black candles are used for applying damage, but their power can be directed in a positive direction:
- to use as a powerful barrier to let supernatural forces, to create protection
- burn disease, to heal people,
- the struggle with human weaknesses,
- communication with the spirits from the underworld,
- the restoration of justice.
Safety of use
A good time to use black candles – Saturday. The main principle of working with such a magical attribute with extreme caution. It is not necessary to light candles in the state: any spoken word and the spell instantly pretend. In addition, it is likely to turn the anger against themselves. The mind must be pure, and heart cold – only in this case will be able to channel the energy of black candles in the right direction. Ultimately you should be careful while communicating with spirits from the afterlife. As soon as the flame of a candle tocolysis, and on the back will be chill, you should cast away all fears and doubts and begin to communicate. Working with black candles, you must remain calm and confident in every action.
Black candles with delivery
Looking for a place where you can buy black candles in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg (SPB) inexpensive, please note the online shop "Magic of elements". Original magical goods with delivery by mail in all regions of the country – something that will get every customer. Selling black candles in the online store – a great opportunity to acquire magical attributes of different sizes that will help solve the problems, normalize Affairs and to protect from evil spirits.
The price of thin black candles in our online store are lower than those of competitors, while the quality remains high. You can pay by credit card, e-wallet or cash on delivery.