Magic pyramid

Magic pyramid is considered to be a necessary attribute of a magician and sorcerer, as well as in the practice of Feng Shui The pyramids are still one of the wonders of the world. So far no one managed to find the keys to all the mysteries and secrets that they keep. However, the correct geometric form, based on the strict observance of proportions that has a powerful impact on the world around us. These special magical shapes is another important feature, if the pyramid is to have the corners of the earth, it will begin to accumulate healing energy of the cosmos from the outside, and dissipate it around itself that affects favorably on others.
About the magic power
Pyramid many esoterics believe regenerators vitality and energy flows. They can perform miracles, be the means of solving the problems and difficulties of mankind. Identified the unique effect of the pyramids on the human body:
- elimination of head and vertebral pain,
- improvement of psychoemotional state,
- normalization of sleep,
- a surge of strength and vitality.
Moreover, it is proved that this attribute protects the space, cleanse it of negative energy, external influences, harmonizes the atmosphere in the house contributes to the fulfillment of your dreams. Magic pyramid can be represented by different materials: onyx, agate, jade, rock crystal, and Jasper, and malachite.
Buying over the Internet
Magic pyramid will be a powerful defender of your home and all family members, as well as being a strong source of energy will help to discover and develop esoteric abilities. Online shop "Magic of elements" offers to purchase esoteric products on favorable terms:
- a wide range of products
- reasonable prices,
- prompt delivery to all regions of the country.