Twisted candles for cleansing and protection

Twist candles for cleansing and protecting very well suited for protective rites, the banishment of entities and purification from negative energy. These candles are made entirely by hand according to old recipes and classic traditions of magic. Unlike regular candles, these candle for purification and protection are made exclusively on the technology of dipping. Then take the three candles and curl in a spiral form. The resulting triple candle oblases herbs and Makeda additionally, the wax for shaping.
Candle cleansing and protection
Nowadays candle magick is widely used in ritual magic, small ceremonies, and various conspiracies. They significantly improve the protective and cleansing properties, ritual, rite or conspiracy. Especially often used candles to purify and protect those people who are not strong in the magical arts, but wants to make maximum use of their capabilities to achieve the desired objectives. These candles special role is played by herbs, which are selected in accordance with the specific banishing and protective properties. Herbs give the possibility to use candles with herbs for:
- Cleansing of negative energy;
- Banishment of negative entities;
- Removing the damage and negative programs;
- Protection from negative influences.
This candle is to the protection used in rituals capable repeatedly to strengthen them. Of course without magic actions these candles are able to work by themselves. Enough to light a candle and hold it in the places where it is desirable to cleanse and expel the unwanted power influence.
The protection of the black candle
Black colour is a symbol of mystery, hidden beneath the cover of darkness, a symbol of protection, absorption, and in some cases destruction. The protection of the black candle, is considered the most effective, in contrast to the other colors since able to clean due to the absorbing properties of the black candle. Often black candles are used in black magic for protection from its consequences.
It is quite difficult to list all conceivable types of magical areas that use black candles. But one thing's for sure - black candles are used not only for the guidance of curses, damage, etc. They also effectively help to cure various diseases, to clear negative energy and banish unwanted spirits and much more.
Candle protection buy
In our online shop 'Magic elements' you can buy a wide range of candles of different colors and types. You can buy a candle to protect yourself and loved ones and to insure against negative impacts. These candles are made entirely by hand, from natural materials of the highest quality. Not be amiss to say that in magic it is important to use magical items, consisting exclusively of natural materials.
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