Stand for balls

Stand on the globe, endowed with special powers, are now represented among the range of esoteric products Internet store "Magic elements".
For someone magic ball – new year's accessory, the stylish and impressive home decoration. But do not forget that the crystal balls, stones, crystals – the inherent attributes of magicians and sorcerers. They give confidence to its owner, become a source of energy, help to predict the future, heal people. Magic ball is often made from rock crystal – crystal, endowed with special powers. This option is ideal for divination and other magical rituals. Balls of stone stand in defense of its owner, accumulate positive energy in the house, so will take a worthy place in the collection of any magician.
A little bit about the value
The balloons are so fragile that requires gentle and careful handling. In order for the magic item will last you a long time, you need to buy a stand for the bowl. Ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui determines the importance of the stand: to use aesthetic mirrored surface of the crystal ball for dispersion of qi energy is possible only if the window and door are located within a single line. So, just stand under the crystal ball allows you to position an esoteric subject on the same line and to ensure its hanging condition on the table or windowsill.
The secrets of choosing
The choice of the stand in the first place should be based on the parameters of the ball:
- diameter,
- material.
Of course, the stand needs to please her owner, bring aesthetic pleasure. Many magicians and sorcerers it is recommended to purchase a stand made of metal material that transmits energy flow and charging of its owner.
Where to buy
A wide range of esoteric goods online-store "Magic elements". Here you will find exactly the item you require, depending on their taste preferences and fundamental wishes. Metallic stand for balls with different diameter, stand genuine onyx – needed Souvenirs for people who are into magic. Our experts will help you make the right choice and tell you how to use the magical attributes in their practice. Moreover, our customers can count on excellent conditions of purchase:
- a wide range of quality products
- affordable price,
- delivery to all Russian regions with the best transport companies.